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Protection of Vulnerable Groups (POVG) training in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh & Glagow

This course covers the physical and emotional aspects of protection of vulnerable groups, including duty of care, sign of abuse, and what to do if you suspect abuse. It meets the Skills for Care requirements for staff training.

This course will be tailored to your needs and the nature of the vulnerable adults you are working with.  

What does the course cover?

  • Duty of care – from Employer / Employee’s perspective
  • Definitions of the terms “vulnerable groups” and “Protection of groups”
  • Explain the concept of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups in a care setting
  • Define the term “abuse” distinguishing between the various patterns of abuse
  • Confidentiality
  • Risk assessment (incorporating into Care Plans)
  • Rights and responsibilities of vulnerable groups (including their understanding)
  • Emotional health and safety
  • Physical health and safety
  • How to report suspected abuse including who to report suspected abuse to
  • Dignity and respect
  • Boundaries
  • Listening skills
  • Working within the No Secrets Act and POVG /SOVA legislation
  • Working within the organisation’s relevant policies

What are the benefits of attending the course?

The course will help participants to:

  • Provide a service that protects vulnerable adults
  • Explain the concepts of protection and vulnerability
  • Recognise the types of abuse and their related signs
  • Describe the key points of government legislation and regulations to protect vulnerable adults
  • Work with appropriate, explicit confidentiality
  • Explain the risk management process and its importance
  • Explain the importance of reporting and whistle-blowing on actual or potential abuse
  • Take personal action to safeguard vulnerable adults in your care

Who is the course for?

All staff who work with vulnerable groups.

How is the course assessed?

Continual assessment throughout the course by the tutor and a multiple choice assessment paper. A Protection of Vulnerable Groups’ certificate is issued to all who successfully show their competence.

Cost of Course

£60 + vat per person

Group discounts available on request.

If you would like to discuss any of this please do not hesitate to contact any of our offices.

Aberdeen 01224 51 61 71, Dundee 01382 60 40 60, Edinburgh 0131 610 9112 or Glasgow 0141 432 2018.

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