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Medication Awareness training in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh & Glasgow

This 2-3 hour theory based course is suitable for anyone:

Working as a carer in the domiciliary setting as part of their occupation such as support and care workers in establishments and domestic homes.

You will cover:

  • Different forms of medication
  • Methods of entry into the body
  • Different dispensing methods
  • Procedures for supervision of medication and records
  • Awareness when collecting prescriptions on behalf of others
  • Disposal of expired or no longer required medication

By the end of this course you will:

  • Gain an understanding of the different forms of medication
  • Be informed of correct dispensing and administering methods
  • Be aware of the precautions and procedures that must be adhered to

Cost of Course

£60 + vat per person

Group discounts available on request.

If you would like to discuss any of this please do not hesitate to contact any of our offices.

Aberdeen 01224 51 61 71, Dundee 01382 60 40 60, Edinburgh 0131 610 9112 or Glasgow 0141 432 2018.

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