This course is available to the delegated First Aider who currently holds a First Aid at Work certificate. Usually the course is applied for within 3 months of expiry as renewal must be within the 3 year qualification period. There is a 28 day grace period after expiry date to complete this training. Note the Approved Code of Practice 2009 allows old certificates to run 3 years from run out date, not from course examination date if the new course is held within 3 months of expiry.
The content of this course is to update the existing First Aider’s knowledge and skills as well as introducing any new techniques and procedures.
All students will be re-assessed at the end of the course and if successful will be awarded a certificate and wallet credit card lasting a further three years from examination date or certificate expiry.
The duties of a First Aider can be physically demanding. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure that delegates are free from any condition which would affect their capability and that they have the aptitude to cope with an intensive course of study. We welcome candidates with disabilities for training, but it remains their employer’s responsibility to ensure that they are appropriately supported in their workplace
Cost of Course £220 plus vat per person.
Group discounts available on request.
If you would like to discuss any of this please do not hesitate to contact any of our offices.
Aberdeen 01224 51 61 71, Dundee 01382 60 40 60, Edinburgh 0131 610 9112 or Glasgow 0141 432 2018.
Alternatively, you can send an email to or
across the UK