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Scottish Manual Handling Passport training in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh & Glasgow

The Scottish Manual Handling Passport Scheme is the culmination of Health Boards and Local Authorities within Scotland working together towards a shared vision - to clarify the minimum requirements for manual handling education arrangements across these sectors and by doing so, to promote national consistency.

The Scottish Manual Handling Passport Scheme is directed at all manual handling activities in health boards and local authorities. In particular it is this type of joint working that the Scottish Government is keen to encourage with our plans to integrate adult health and social care. The introduction of the Public Bodies (Scotland) (Joint Working) Act aims to ensure that health and social care provision across Scotland is joined-up and seamless, especially for people with long term conditions and disabilities, many of whom are older people. Its implementation will be a positive step towards achieving our integration strategy goals.

In line with the Scottish Manual Handling Passport Scheme - There is a 2 day course consisting of 6 modules. These are as follows:

  • Module A - Manual Handling Theory
  • Module B - Manual Handling of Inanimate Loads
  • Module C - Chair Manoeuvres
  • Module D - Bed Manoeuvres
  • Module E - Hoisting 
  • Module F - Lateral Transfers

Modules can be completed in succession or individually, however, there are stipulations on some of the order. For a full breakdown of the Scottish Manual Handling Passport please follow the link below:


Cost of Course

£220 + vat per person

Group discounts available on request.

If you would like to discuss any of this please do not hesitate to contact any of our offices.

Aberdeen 01224 51 61 71, Dundee 01382 60 40 60, Edinburgh 0131 610 9112 or Glasgow 0141 432 2018.

Alternatively, you can send an email to or